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What is dentin hypersensitivity

What is dentin hypersensitivity

Dentin hypersensitivity is the scientific term for sensitive teeth. Dentin is the yellowish tissue that makes up most of all teeth, containing tiny tubules to your nerves. Dentin is normally covered by the hard, defensive layer of enamel, designed to protect the dentin. When the dentin is exposed, sensitivity can occur.

REGENERATE™ hypersensitivity toothpaste deeply rescues the exposed hypersensitive areas by regenerating enamel mineral.*



      When teeth are sensitive, pain is a signal from the nerves within. Their vital enamel surface hasworn away, exposing the living structures underneath, causing hypersensitivity pain. Enamel wear occurs over time abrasion, attrition or erosion.

      Here are some of the ways in which this can happen.

      • Receding gums and gum disease: When gums recede, they leave the dentin exposed. The most common cause of this is an overzealous brushing technique.

      • Grinding teeth: You may not consciously grind your teeth, but it can contribute to tooth hypersensitivity. When you grind your teeth, you slowly wear away at the enamel, exposing the dentin below.

      • Cracked teeth: A cracked tooth not only exposes your dentin to potentially painful stimuli, but it can be incredibly painful in itself. If you think you have cracked a tooth, book an appointment with your dentist immediately.

      • Enamel erosion: Enamel is the white, protective outer layer of your teeth. There are various causes of enamel erosion, from the food and drink we consume, to brushing too hard.

      • Cavities: Tooth decay occurs when plaque turns sugars into acid, which can cause problems such as holes in your teeth and gum disease, as well as heightening sensitivity.



          If you suffer from hypersensitivity, dental hygiene and dental care should be a top priority. Below is a list of ways in which you can help look after your teeth, as well as and prevent and manage hypersensitive teeth. 

          • Visit the dentist at least twice a year: Regular check-ups with your dentist is one of the best options to manage oral hygiene. Your dentist will be able to recognise potential problem areas, answer any questions you may have surrounding sensitive teeth, and provide tailored advice for your dental needs.

          • Use a soft-bristled brush: Using a soft-bristled brush is gentler on your gums and enamel, minimising the risk of receding gums and enamel erosion. Make sure to brush in circular motions, rather than from side to side, to help keep teeth healthy and minimise sensitivity.  

          • Avoid trigger food and drinks: Avoiding food and drinks that may trigger or worsen symptoms, including ice water, fizzy drinks, sweets, tea and coffee, is a simple way to avoid triggering hypersensitivity.  

          • Choose a toothpaste for hypersensitivity: Changing the way you brush your teeth and avoiding trigger food and drink are simple, short-term solutions. Choosing a toothpaste specifically designed to combat the causes of hypersensitivity is a great way to treat sensitive teeth and dentin hypersensitivity in the long run. 



              The REGENERATE™ Hypersensitivity Toothpaste is clinically proven to treat hypersensitivity and pain. 

              Its patented NR-5+ Intensive care formula deeply rescues the exposed hypersensitiveareas by regenerating enamel mineral with the exact same mineralenamel is made of*. Pain signals stop. Hypersensitivity is treated.

                ¹Acts on early stages of enamel damage. Helps to regenerate enamel by restoring its mineral content and micro hardness with regular use. Clinically proven.